
Preparing dinner

10 Superfoods for Preschool Kids and Toddlers

A healthy diet lays the foundation for a healthier child. Toddlers and children in preschool have such small tummies, so it’s important to pack every mouthful with as much vitamins and nutrients as possible. While candies, chips, and cupcakes are sure to worm their way into your child’s mouth, there are several nutrient-rich foods that are excellent choices for a healthier diet.

These 10 superfoods are perfect for preschool kids and toddlers:

  1. Eggs –

    Naturally rich in vitamin D, eggs are a great source of protein. Eating a breakfast that contains protein makes preschool kids and toddlers feel satisfied longer, easing the mid-morning hunger pains and helping them stay focused.

  2. Oats – 

    High in fiber and digested slowly, oats provide preschool kids and toddlers with a steadier stream of energy throughout the day. Whole oats are generally better than the instant packets, which tend to contain more sugar.

  3. Broccoli –

    A great immune system booster, broccoli contains vitamins A and C. Broccoli florets are a great finger food! Kids may be more excited to eat them after you tell them that they’re “little trees,” and dip them in ranch or their favorite dipping sauce.

  4. Berries –

    Filled with antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals, berries are naturally sweet, which children tend to love! They are also a good source of fiber. Another great finger food, berries can be eaten as a snack on the go or as a dessert.

  5. Nuts

    Loaded with healthy fats which are necessary for heart health, growth and development, nuts can be a great choice for children. If your child is not a big fan of nuts by themselves, you can try various nut butters, such as almond butter or walnut butter. Spread them on a piece of whole grain toast or even add them into a smoothie!

  6. Milk –

    Full of protein and calcium, milk gives preschool kids and toddlers strong bones and healthy teeth.

  7. Fish –

    Certain types of fish, such as salmon, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health and known for boosting brain development in children and adults.

  8. Carrots –

    Orange vegetables and fruits provide boosts of vitamins A and C, potassium, and lycopene (a cancer-preventative antioxidant). Carrots are great for growing kids because they are rich in beta-carotene, necessary for good eye health/vision, the growth of bones, skin and nails.

  9. Low-Fat Greek Yogurt –

    Yogurt contains healthy bacteria, protein, and calcium. Many of the “kid-friendly” varieties contain a lot of added sugars and fruit puree. Stick with a low-fat Greek yogurt and add honey or fresh fruits at home to give it that sweet flavor.

  10. Beans and Lentils –

    Full of soluble fiber, beans and lentils promote gut and heart health. Black beans are also a great source of protein and calcium.

Taking Care of Children and Nutrition at Parker Chase Preschool

At Parker-Chase Preschool, we know that good health and nutrition help build stronger, happier students. We offer daily chef-prepared meals and healthy snacks. Each meal is prepared with fresh ingredients. Our menu follows a different theme each week, so preschool kids and toddlers get excited about eating. A typical meal at Parker-Chase includes several superfoods, ensuring each child receives a well-rounded diet. A great example of a Parker-Chase lunch is fish stars with roasted plantains, corn with black beans, and a mixed fruit cup all prepared by our chef. An afternoon snack at Parker-Chase would include fresh veggies, graham crackers, cheese, or hummus.