
Sharing With Others

“Sharing is caring,” is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot for new parents trying to teach their children how to share. Does that mean a child who doesn’t like the idea of sharing doesn’t care about others and will grow up to be selfish?

Not necessarily. It probably means you have a young child who’s going through a healthy set of developmental stages. Here are three tips for teaching children how to share.

Let your sharing shine

Learning begins with observation; children have to see something first, to do it later. If mommy laughs when daddy plays with his food, expect the spaghetti to fly the next night. The same works with sharing.

Whenever there is an opportunity to share something with your partner, make sure your child hears what’s going on and sees how happy both of you are after the exchange.

Keep in mind though, if you want your child to learn how to share, you’ll have to share a lot of things. Make sure both you and your partner are prepared for that and plan how these “sharing moments” will go.

Watch carefully

Problems will usually arise during group play-time. As embarrassing as these situations can be (and scary for parents, when worries of how they’ll grow up begin to creep in), they should be seen as fantastic opportunities to learn more about your child. The point is, look to see what kinds of influences might have taught your child how to behave in such ways.

Don’t force sharing

To us, Mr. Booboo is just a teddy bear. To your child, he is a friend, valuable beyond measure. There are some things in life that are just too important to part with. The fear of loss (and understanding loss itself) is extremely important in a child’s development. The last thing you’d want to do is create resentment early on in life.

Understand the barriers and build from there. Be reasonable about what can be considered priceless and what you can separate from your child. This, too, will have a huge impact on their ability to prioritize.

No two children are exactly alike; not even twins can be parented the same way! These are just tips to consider when teaching your children how to share, but it’s ultimately up to how you want to mold your child. Some methods will work better than others, so it’s really about being attentive and learning as you go.


Sharing at Parker-Chase

At Parker-Chase Preschool, we believe in exposing children to real social interactions where sharing is beneficial to fulfill their potential as individuals. With guidance from our loving and dedicated teachers, we aim to help our students develop a sense of self-worth and responsibility, as well as enthusiasm and belonging.

Kids Laughing

Social Skills for Preschoolers

Social skills are important for a child’s healthy development, but they don’t always come naturally. As parents, we need to foster and guide their growth, so your child can reach their fullest potential in life. The best way to teach your child social skills is by modeling them whenever possible.

Here are a few topics to consider when teaching your child social skills.

Saying Hello

Almost all social interactions begin with some kind of greeting, so it’s important to have that skill perfected. Practicing some easy greeting phrases with your child like, “Hello, how are you?” or, “Good morning!” is a great way to start.

Along with learning to say hello, your child can also practice making eye contact when speaking to someone. Eye contact shows that your child is interested in what another person has to say. Since people don’t usually like to feel ignored, teaching your child to look someone into the eyes when speaking or listening to them is a good habit.

And if appropriate, teaching your child how to shake hands can help them get a head start in learning professional skills. Eye contact, a proper greeting and a handshake leaves a very good first impression!

Table Manners

At dinner time, be mindful to practice your best table manners. Proper table manners should be modeled at both restaurants and at home.

Using utensils the way they were made for, wiping your mouth with a napkin, chewing with your mouth closed and waiting to speak after you swallow are all things you can do to offer your children a proper guideline for table manners.

Handling Emotions

Managing emotions can be challenging for your child, so it’s important to teach them how to handle their emotions healthily.

Teach your child how to express their emotions with words. They should practice pausing to explain how they feel and why, and use “I” statements that describe their perspective rather than simply accusing others.

Interacting in Social Settings

As your child begins to interact with others in school, it will become increasingly important to teach your child social skills for a group setting.

Teach them about having healthy conversation, using indoor voices and not interrupting others. You may also want to teach your child about other people’s personal space and how to actively listen, which is a valued skill nowadays.


Social Skills at Parker-Chase

At Parker-Chase Preschool, we focus on developing social skills in order to prepare our students for lifelong success. All of our meals are served family-style so that children can practice their table manners and conversation skills. Children also have countless opportunities to learn, communicate, and play with their peers, both in and out of the classroom.