

Surprising Childcare Discipline Solutions that Just Might Work

Are your typical discipline techniques just not cutting it anymore? Many parents and childcare experts have become extremely creative with the tactics they use to keep the peace in the household or the classroom – and you can too! Remember, each child is different. So what might work for one of your children, may not work for another. What’s important is to keep trying new tricks until you find the ones that work.

Here are some interesting solutions that might save your sanity in the long run:

For cleaning up a mess:

Let your children know that whenever they leave their personal belongings around the house in places they’re not supposed to be, pick them up and put them in a large box or sack. Do not give anything back to them until the end of the week, and then instruct them that they will have the option of buying back their belongings. You could charge them 25 cents per item if they want to buy them back. If they choose to leave them there, you can take them and donate them to Goodwill or a local charity.

This practice will not only teach your child to put their things away next time, but it will also teach them two other important concepts – the value of money and appreciation of their belongings.

For doing chores:

As much as you love them, sometimes kids can slow you down when you are trying to do housework. They may want your attention, ask you for your help in finding something, or want you to play with them. When this happens, you can give them a choice – if they want to be around you while you are doing chores, then they must help you with the chores you are working on.  If they don’t want to help, they must go elsewhere. The key is that they are not allowed to stay and just distract you.

This tactic works with either option that your children may choose. If they choose option one, then you get some extra help with the chores. If they choose option two, then you get some peace and quiet while you do your housework. Just be sure they still have their own age-appropriate chores and/or responsibilities they must do on their own time around the house to contribute to the household!

For your relaxation:

If you’re trying to relax but being bombarded with shouting, singing, banging and noisy clamor, try this quick solution. Simply tell your children that they are free to be as noisy as they want, just not here.  If your children are whining, pouting or throwing a tantrum, tell them that you’re ready to listen when they’re ready to calm down and talk.

For bedtimes:

Many childcare experts and parents agree that the trick to getting your children to go to bed without a hassle is to stick to some kind of bedtime routine. To make this routine go as smoothly as possible, and to give yourself a few hours of downtime before you go to sleep yourself, try implementing a new policy in your house. For instance, you could eliminate screen time at least one hour prior to bed time and replace it with an hour of reading books. Electronic devices are well-known for emitting a blue light that prevents the body’s natural release of the sleep hormone melatonin. Reading on the other hand is a relaxing activity perfect for helping children put themselves to sleep.

How we discipline at Parker-Chase:

At Parker-Chase Preschool, our childcare professionals use positive reinforcement and individualized discipline techniques that are consistent for each child when necessary. We make sure that the discipline methods we use are appropriate to the child’s level of understanding. Most importantly, we make sure that our teachers use only positive methods of disciple that encourage self-esteem, self-control, and self-direction. Some of these methods include using redirecting behavior and positive statements, focused on the praise and encouragement of good behavior rather than unacceptable behavior.